Oh getting the balance is hard! I get how the boost from volunteering is great, but do also please go careful and rest if you really need to!! You are a lovely human being 💕🪿🪿🪿xxx

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I set my boundaries today when a friend asked me to work. I let her know that today is my rest day. It was hard, but she appreciated my honesty.

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Excellent! So important!!! 💕🪿💕🪿💕🪿Xx

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Sep 20Liked by Wake Lloire

You are a remarkable human. You always put others before yourself. I salute your grit and your determination to do right. Thank you. I know that you are you and there is no substitute for that.🦋💖🧇🧇🧇🧇🧇🧇💖

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I love you so very much.

I do try so hard to do right.


I know it’s important to take care of myself so I can take care of others. So I’m trying to do that too. I appreciate you showing me that is possible. That looking after ourselves is a key part of living a good life.

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Sep 20Liked by Wake Lloire

Beautiful and honest post, appreciate your feelings and your tiredness. Glad you recognize your efforts, and, *if you like to do these things (volunteering, making guacamole)*, what you are doing - both for others in your life, but also for YourSelf ❤️💙☮️ I also appreciate how you note that some days your capacity may be different - lower - and some days the capacity is just too hard to share with others and other commitments...I love and respect that, and appreciate you putting yourself first at those times, when you need to. 💚👣

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Thank you 🫶🫶🫶 I’ve been meaning to reply to your kind pictures and texts, and am so grateful for your reminder that it is ok to take time to reply, because often I feel guilty. But I want to reply to your messages with heartfelt thoughtfulness. And so I’m waiting because your honest messages deserve my full attention.

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You may like the “spoon analogy”, Wake! It goes that we all our given a finite number of “spoons” in a day that represent our time and energy, and once they are gone, that is the end of our capacity! So some activities, like errands, might take more spoons than other activities that tend to fill our cup up! 😊🤔. I can relate, and totally get that it can be hard to know how to gauge one’s capacity. Good for you for standing up for your rest day! Rest is so important to avoid burnout. We can’t pour from an empty teapot! 🥰🤔🌈

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I have definitely been exposed and even used spoon theory in my past. I love that it exists. But I’ve never felt that it properly expressed my experience? But I love that the metaphor of spoons works for so many people.

I think it’s my oppositional (pathological demand avoidance) nature that makes me feel awkward about claiming a way of expressing disability that I didn’t create. I know that my autism informs this way of experiencing common language experiences.

I know the lingo, am able to use it and love that so many people find it so helpful in giving them words for expressing themselves.

I appreciate you so much for sharing your experience and knowledge.

I love the idea of filling my teapot too! That there are so many individual ways and community ways to talk about chronic illness/disability.

Thank you incredibly for being here. 💖💖💖

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Sep 20Liked by Wake Lloire

I love that acknowledgement of capacity. So often, I commit, and then I realize I don't have the necessary bandwidth. I forget ahead, but at some point, I crash

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It is so likely I’m headed for a crash. I was supposed to have tomorrow off but now I’m working for a friend in the morning.

After tonight’s volunteer shift I feel capable though. I think doing things that I’m good at fills my battery. And I’m really good at helping at large scale events.

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And I just hit my crash today 💖

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Sep 20Liked by Wake Lloire


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It was and is a good reminder that I really need to manage my capacity. Our town is a smorgasbord of wondrous opportunities and I really have to remember that even the best things consume energy.

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